Sunday, July 30, 2006

Pray for us, my friends, pray for us all!

On July 14, 2006, I posted the first piece to my blog, from Ha'aretz, called "A Most Unnecessary War".
That was Day 3.
Today, July 30, 2006, I posted a piece from Ha'aretz called "Days of Darkness."
This is Day 19.
I recommend both pieces to my reader. The original posting can be found in the archives.
Pray, pray for us, my friends.
As I write, some 54 women and children refugees in Kfar Kana have been killed as a result of Israeli bombing.
It is reported that the hospital in Haifa has been hit.
Demonstrators in Beirut are trying to break into the UN headquarters.
Pray for us, my friends, pray for us.